No Water With Meals

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda guides us to refrain from drinking water with our meals. It’s acceptable to sip room temperature water with your meal but not to drink water in any quantity. What Ayurveda suggests is to drink a large glass of water 15-30 minutes before a meal to pre-hydrate the stomach’s water-rich bicarbonate […]

Drinking Water from a Cooper Vessel

Water is a precious substance in our lives and on the planet. Unfortunately, our water supply is contaminated in many different ways. This simple method can create healthy, healing, energized water. Ayurveda recommends storing water in copper vessels. Benefits of copper according to ayurveda: – Drinking water from copper cups prevents ageing, vaya-sthapak. – Copper […]

Spring Breathing

Does just looking at an image like this make your nose run? As enchanting as spring is, seasonal allergies can make if difficult to enjoy the incredible weather and beauty it brings. If you are suffering, I know you’ve heard about it, and if you haven’t already tried it, the Neti Pot can do wonders […]

Mata Amritanandamayi

My most beloved Amma, I ask that you bless this opportunity to share with and serve others. Please put your thoughts in my head, your words in my mouth, your work in my hands, your love in my heart, your vision in my eyes, your fragrance in my nose, and your touch on my face.