Spring Breathing

Does just looking at an image like this make your nose run? As enchanting as spring is, seasonal allergies can make if difficult to enjoy the incredible weather and beauty it brings. If you are suffering, I know you’ve heard about it, and if you haven’t already tried it, the Neti Pot can do wonders to improve your discomfort. Using this simple method of flushing the sinuses can bring instant relief. There are a few pointers to consider though. Don’t overuse the Neti Pot. Once a day is plenty, preferably in the morning. It’s not a good idea to use the Neti Pot and then go to bed. Also, after using it, put a small amount of sesame oil on your little finger and rub it just inside your nostril. You can also bring some much needed soothing to the nasal passages by also using Neti Wash in your Neti Pot. It’s possible that your sinuses are dried out as well. You are taking 21,600 breaths a day, give or take a few! So another way to keep your sinuses healthy and clear is to you Nasya Oil in your nose. You simply place 5 or 6 drops in each nostril and relax with the head back for a few moments.
Happy, clear breathing!

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